Resolva Path & Drive Weedkiller Ready-To-Use 1Ltr
Product information
Resolva Path & Drive Ready to Use is a fast acting non-glyphosate formulation to effectively control both weed and moss. It is perfect for eliminating deep-rooted weeds on paths, patios, gravel and driveways. Furthermore, because this formula does not contain glyphosate, it is bee friendly. Additionally use this weedkiller all year round, so its never too late to tackle your weed problems.
- Visible results in hours
- Does not contain glyphosate
- Use all year round
- Naturally based active ingredient
Why Use
Resolve Path & Drive is perfect for those who have a weed issue on their paths and driveways and want to tackle a weed problem without the use of Glyphosate.
What to Expect
Once treated, weeds and moss on your path and drive should start dying within an hour if actively growing.
The Acetic acid in this product will also affect algae. Grasses and broadleaf weeds will be quickly controlled.
When to Use
Use when weeds are actively growing.
Use on moss all year round.
Where to Use
Use on paths, driveways, patios, beds and borders*.
*Keep spray off vegetables, flowers, shrubs and lawns.
How to Use
- Spray using the trigger sprayer pack provided.
- Apply at no more than 100ml/m2; this is usually when the moss or the weed leaves and stems are fully wetted but before the point at which spray solution drips from the leaves.
- Repeat after 14 days against surviving moss or weeds, if necessary, when fresh growth is seen. Apply on a dry day when rain is not expected.
- Rain after spraying may wash spray from the leaves leading to a poor result.
- After spraying, keep people and animals off dense patches of moss or weeds until the spray has dried, often just 15-20 minutes.
- However, this is not necessary for treated areas containing only occasional, low or prostrate weeds or moss such as may be found on pathways.
- Use may cause some surfaces to become slippery for a short time after application.
- There are no residual effects in the soil. Sowing or planting may be undertaken as soon as the weeds or the moss have died.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can my pets go into the treated area?
A. For non-grazing animals allow product to dry before allowing pets back into the area. For grazing animals allow weeds to die and remove them before allowing pets back into the area.
Q. Can I use this on my lawn?
A. NO, this product will kill both broadleaf weeds and grasses—only use it on plants that you want to kill.
Q. Can I use Resolva Path & Drive on areas other than paths and driveways?
A. Yes this product can be used in beds and borders to kill unwanted vegetation the same as a general purpose weedkiller.
For any questions or advice, please contact our technical advice line on: 01480 443789 (Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm) or email
Risk & Safety Information
To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. Protection during/in use Do not breathe spray. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. KEEP OFF SKIN. WASH OFF SPLASHES (IMMEDIATELY). WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.
Environmental Protection
Do not apply where rainfall is expected within 6 hours of application. Do not apply when flowering weeds are present. Risk to non-target insects or other arthropods. Do not empty into drains. Do not contaminate water with the product or its container. Direct spray away from ponds and other surface water bodies.
Storage and Disposal
Dispose of unused product in its container at a household waste site (civic amenity site). Contact your local council (local authority) for details. KEEP PRODUCT AWAY FROM CHILDREN AND PETS. KEEP PRODUCT IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed in a safe place. EMPTY CONTAINER COMPLETELY and dispose of safely. Dispose of empty container in the dustbin. Protect from frost.
Authorised under Plant Protection
Products Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 Approval Holder: Sipcam UK Ltd, 4C Archway House, Melbourn Street, Royston, Herts, SG8 7BX
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